Consultants: Dr Theresa Barnes, Dr Jenny Nixon, Dr Hoda Temple, Dr Deepti Kapur
The Rheumatology Consultants are doctors specialised in rheumatology who will make your initial diagnosis and remain responsible for your overall rheumatology care.
Rheumatology Specialist Nurses: Emma Mulvey, Cath Brownsell, Emma Gilgeours,
Claire Hiles, Sarah Selby
The team of Rheumatology Specialist Nurses work in the rheumatology clinics reviewing your management and providing information and support on living with your rheumatic condition. The Specialist Nurses manage the rheumatology advice line service, providing support and guidance to rheumatology patients.
Physiotherapist: Sally Beadle
The Physiotherapist is specialised in the management of patients with rheumatic conditions to enable them to achieve and maintain optimal function and independence using treatment options such as exercise therapy.
Occupational Therapists: Petrena Salmon, Kate Dulson, Victoria Adams
The Occupational Therapists are specialised in providing support and practical advice to help patients overcome areas of difficulty caused by their condition and improve independence in every day home, work and leisure activities.
Rheumatology Specialist Pharmacists: Rebecca Houston, Sasha Dunt
The Rheumatology Pharmacists work in the rheumatology clinics and manage prescriptions issued by homecare companies.
Podiatry/Orthotics: Angela Westlake
The Podiatrist is specialised to assess the feet, help maintain and improve foot function/mobility and to provide advice regarding the use of prescribed insoles. You may be referred to an Orthotist for bespoke footwear or insoles to help reduce pain to the affected joints, to reduce the load to vulnerable areas and to reduce the risk of ulceration. The Podiatrist is also involved in nail surgery clinics.
Rheumatology Research Nurse: Helen Jeffrey
The Rheumatology Research Nurse provides information about research trials and recruits and monitor patients entering trials. The Rheumatology department at the Countess of Chester has a very active research programme. This includes research into new therapies for Rheumatoid Arthritis, Psoriatic Arthritis and Ankylosing spondylitis. We also undertake research in vasculitis, Systemic Sclerosis and Occupational therapy. If you would be interested in taking part in research then please discuss this with the team and they would be pleased to let you know what is currently open to you at this time.
Rheumatology Psychology: Claire Dutton
The Rheumatology Psychology Service provides evidence based Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for rheumatology patients experiencing common mental health problems affecting their ability to manage their physical health, or problems with their mental wellbeing as a result of their physical health diagnosis. This involves managing issues including; depression, anxiety, panic attacks, stress and specific issues such as coping with initial diagnosis and physical health problems.
Rheumatology Secretaries: Alison Stevens, Penelope Jones, Marion Hinde, Natasha Lally,
Michelle Perks, Valerie Parkinson, Lauren Freeman
Rheumatology Advice line: 01244 366510
This service is available to provide access to the Specialist Rheumatology Nurses if you require advice regarding managing a flare or if you think you are having side effects from your rheumatology medication. This is not an out of hours service and should not be used in a medical emergency or for non-rheumatology concerns.
Please leave a voicemail message between 8am-12pm Monday-Friday. Please include your full name, contact telephone number and hospital number (starting with CC)
Specialist Rheumatology Clinics:
- Early arthritis clinic
- Biologics clinic
- Systemic Sclerosis
- Ankylosing Spondylitis
- Connective tissue disease