Emergency Medicine

This department is the major accident unit for Cheshire, Merseyside and Flintshire and currently handles over 62,000 cases per annum. The Department deals with the full range of surgical and medical emergencies and has full back up (Radiology, Pathology and Anaesthetics) together with the normal range of in-patient specialties found within an acute hospital. It is well equipped with a large resuscitation room which accommodates three people. Two major treatment rooms provide space for reduction of fractures and the application of plaster casts and minor operations, which are performed under local, regional or general anaesthesia.

The Department was extended to provide a dedicated children's treatment and assessment area called 'Kids Zone' and has benefited from the completion of a major refurbishment funded by the DoH from A&E Modernisation funds.

The Department is divided into Majors and Minors. Majors is led by a Senior Nurse/Team Leader. The Minors department is led by a team of Emergency Nurse Practitioners. Alongside Majors we have an Emergency Assessment Unit which comprises 16 beds. These beds are used for short stay patients with medical, surgical and emergency conditions.

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