Haematology and Blood Transfusion

The Haematology Department provides a full diagnostic laboratory and clinical service to the Trust and to local General Practitioners. The laboratory is fully computerised with electronic order entry, and is fully accredited with CPA (UK) Ltd. All routine haematology profiles are performed using state of the art analysers. A comprehensive range of tests is provided, which includes haemoglobinopathy screening by HPLC, blood film examination, bone marrow assessment and screening for glandular fever and malaria.

The Coagulation Department has a special interest in the investigation of disorders predisposing to thrombosis. In addition to routine coagulation profiles, thrombophilia testing with clinical interpretation is provided. The number of patients on anticoagulation continues to increase and two anticoagulant clinics are held each week within the Department. The DAWN computerised system of anticoagulation provides a service to primary care users.

Clinical Haematology

There are general haematology and lymphoma clinics held within the department. Clinical advice and interpretation of results is always available. The department is led by four consultants:

  • Dr A Pillia (Clinical Lead)
  • Dr S Tueger  (Chemotherapy Lead)
  • Dr R Kawonga
  • Dr S Gandhi


HaematologyandBlood Transfusionbloodservicelogo.jpgThe Blood Transfusion Department

The Transfusion Department provides a fully comprehensive laboratory and clinical service to the Trust. The laboratory has an automated blood-grouping analyser and is fully computerised using the Meditech Pathology System. All tests involved in the provision of blood and blood products are performed. The Regional Transfusion Centre is the reference centre for more complex serological investigations. The department works to the specification set out by the NHS operational impact group in accordance to the Blood Safety and Quality Regulations 2005.

Antenatal testing is performed within the Department and serological and clinical advice is always available. In accordance with NICE guidelines prophylaxis with Anti-D is now in place. There is a Hospital Transfusion Committee, chaired by Dr David Castillo, which meets regularly to discuss transfusion issues associated with the Trust and provides feedback to the Management Board and the Quality, Safety and Patient Experience Committee.

The department is supported by:

Blood Bank Manager, Nikki Swarbrick – Ext 5385

Transfusion Practitioner, Louise Hodgkinson - Ext 5383

Research Studies 

If you would like to know what research studies are available in this speciality please contact;

Jan Spriggs - Research Nurse - 01244 362 203 - j.spriggs@nhs.net

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