Corporate Information

What our priorities are and how we are doing

Annual Reports

Annual Quality Accounts

View our CQC Statement of Purpose document here  

The Board has identified 6 key strategic objectives which will deliver our vision whilst responding effectively to the external operating and financial environment. The key feature of the strategic environment for the next three years is the impact upon the Trust and local health economy of the economic recession, which indicates a significant reduction in resource in real terms equivalent to almost £20m for the Trust over three years. At the same time we must continue to improve the quality of service and patient safety whilst meeting the additional demands of an ageing population.

  • We will strive for excellence in the quality of care and patient experience and reduce the incidence of harm.
  • We will transform the way we deliver services by maximising our operational efficiency and productivity and exploiting new technologies.
  • We will work closely with our partners to create better care pathways for patients.
  • We will live our values and work with and develop our staff to continuously improve our services.
  • We will ensure our continued financial viability and get better value for money for every £ we spend.
  • We will meet all the standards and targets of our regulators and commissioners.