Equality Delivery System for the NHS
The EDS Reporting Template
Implementation of the Equality Delivery System (EDS) is a requirement on both NHS commissioners and NHS providers. Organisations are encouraged to follow the implementation of EDS in accordance EDS guidance documents. The documents can be found at:
The EDS is an improvement tool for patients, staff and leadersof the NHS.It supports NHS organisations in England - in active conversations with patients, public, staff, staff networks, community groups and trade unions - to review and develop their approach in addressing health inequalities through three domains: Services, Workforce and Leadership. It is driven by data, evidence, engagement and insight.
The EDS Reportis a template which is designed to give an overview of the organisation’s most recent EDS implementation and grade. Once completed, the report should be submitted via england.eandhi@nhs.net and published on the organisation’s website.
NHS Equality Delivery System (EDS)

EDS Rating and Score Card
Domain 1: Commissioned or provided services
Domain 2: Workforce health and well-being

Domain 3: Inclusive leadership

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