1 - Representation
% of Disabled staff by band compared with the % of staff in the overall workforce
See table above
See table above
See table above
The table above indicates that in non-clinical roles, disabled staff are adequately represented at band 7 and below, with less representation at band 8 and above. In clinical roles, representation overall is significantly less than non-clinical, but adequately represented still at band 7 and below. In medical roles, representation of staff with disabilities and long-term conditions is significantly lower.
2 - Recruitment
Relative likelihood of Disabled staff compared to non-disabled staff being appointed from shortlisting across all posts.
Non-Disabled staff are 1.79 times more likely to be appointed from shortlisting.
Non-Disabled staff are 1.59 times more likely to be appointed from shortlisting.
Non-Disabled staff are 1.28 times more likely to be appointed from shortlisting.
The above indicator demonstrates that proportionally a non-disabled shortlisted applicant is more likely to be appointed, in 2020/2021 they were 1.79 times more likely (nearly twice as likely). If the indicator were 1 then proportionally shortlisted applicant whether disabled or non-disabled would have the same likelihood of being appointed. The figures for 21/22 and 22/23 show that this is moving the right direction with non-disabled shortlisted applicants being 1½ times more likely to be appointed in 21/22 and reducing to 1¼ times more likely in 2022/23. If the indicator falls below 1 the disabled shortlisted applicants would be more likely to be appointed, than non-disabled counterparts.
3 - Capability
Relative likelihood of Disabled staff compared to non-disabled staff entering the formal capability process, as measured by entry into the formal capability procedure.
Disabled staff are 0.73 times more likely than disabled staff to enter the formal capability process.
Disabled staff are zero times more likely than disabled staff to enter the formal capability process. In 2021/2022 there were no disabled staff entering the formal capability process.
Disabled staff are zero times more likely than disabled staff to enter the formal capability process. In 2022/2023 there were no disabled staff entering the formal capability process.
The capability indicator is based on an average over the previous two years. If the indicator were 1 it would mean both disabled and non-disabled staff would proportionally have the same likelihood of entering the formal capability process. In 2020/21 proportionally, disabled staff were 3/4 times more likely to enter the process than non-disabled staff. In the following two years there have been no disabled staff entering the formal process, so this indicator has been zero or not likely to enter compared to non-disabled staff.
4a - Harassment, bullying or abuse
Percentage of Disabled staff compared to non-disabled staff experiencing harassment, bullying or abuse from: Patients/service users, their relatives, or other members of the public
32.7% - Disabled
25.0% - Non-Disabled
35.1% - Disabled
29.7% - Non-Disabled
35.1% - Disabled
27.6% - Non-Disabled
The Staff Survey indicator 4a for 2022 demonstrates disabled staff are more likely to experience bullying and abuse from patients compared to their non-disabled colleagues
Percentage of Disabled staff compared to non-disabled staff experiencing harassment, bullying or abuse from: Managers
18.3% - Disabled
10.4% - Non-Disabled
18.3% - Disabled
11.7% - Non-Disabled
17.7% - Disabled
10.3% - Non-Disabled
The Staff Survey indicator 4b for 2022 demonstrates disabled staff are more likely to experience bullying and abuse from Managers compared to their nondisabled colleagues
Percentage of Disabled staff compared to non-disabled staff experiencing harassment, bullying or abuse from: Other colleagues
24.7% - Disabled
15.2% - Non-Disabled
25.9% - Disabled
18.8% - Non-Disabled
27% - Disabled
19.6% - Non-Disabled
The Staff Survey indicator 4c for 2022 demonstrates disabled staff are more likely to experience bullying and abuse from other colleagues compared to their nondisabled colleagues
Percentage of Disabled staff compared to non - disabled staff saying that the last time they experienced harassment, bullying or abuse at work, they or a colleague reported it
47.1% - Disabled
45.7% - Non-Disabled
48.6% - Disabled
43.2% - Non-Disabled
46% - Disabled
46.7% - Non-Disabled
The Staff Survey indicator for 2022 demonstrates that incidents of bullying and harassment are equally as likely to be reported by disabled and non-disabled staff.
5 – Career progression
Percentage of Disabled staff compared to non - disabled staff believing that the Trust provides equal opportunities for career progression or promotion
42.3% - Disabled
52.9% - Non-Disabled
41.8% - Disabled
50.0% - Non-Disabled
41.1% - Disabled
50.3% - Non-Disabled
People with disabilities are more likely to believe that the Trust does not provide equal opportunities
6 - Presenteeism
Percentage of Disabled staff compared to non - disabled staff saying that they have felt pressure from their manager to come to work, despite not feeling well enough to perform their duties
36.0% - Disabled
22.3% - Non-Disabled
32.6% - Disabled
24.0% - Non-Disabled
32.8% - Disabled
19.2% - Non-Disabled
Disabled staff are more likely to have felt pressure from their manager to come to work, despite not feeling well enough to perform their duties
7 – Feeling valued
Percentage of Disabled staff compared to non - disabled staff saying that they are satisfied with the extent to which their organisation values their work
28.1% - Disabled
45.9% - Non-Disabled
22.3% - Disabled
32.6% - Non-Disabled
25.3% - Disabled
30.9% - Non-Disabled
Disabled staff are less likely than non-disabled staff to say that they are satisfied with the extent to which their organisation values their work
8 – Workplace adjustments
Percentage of Disabled staff saying that their employer has made adequate adjustment(s) to enable them to carry out their work.
Average – 75.5%
Trust average - 72.7%
Average – 70.9%
Trust Average - 66.2%
Average -71.8%
Trust Average – 67.7%
Trust average has increased from last year, but still falls under the national average
9 – Staff engagement
The staff engagement score for Disabled staff, compared to non-disabled staff and the overall engagement score for the organisation.
Trust average 6.9
Disabled staff 6.5
Non-Disabled staff 7.1
Trust average 6.4
Disabled staff 5.9
Non-Disabled staff 6.5
Trust average 6.3
Disabled staff 6.0
Non-Disabled staff 6.4
Staff Engagement has increased slightly and is closer to the Trust average, but staff with disabilities are still less likely to score as high for Trust engagement compared to non-disabled staff.
10 – Board representation
Disabled board membership (difference between the organisations’ Board voting membership and its overall workforce)
Indicator 10 looks at the proportional disabled representation of the voting board membership against the total disabled representation of the Trust workforce, in 2022/2023 the disabled staff represented 3.98% of the total workforce in the previous 2 years it was nearer 3%. The figure of -4% demonstrates that proportionally there is no disabled representation in the voting membership of the board and similarly in the two previous years. If the percentage of disabled representation of the voting membership was equivalent to that of the workforce this figure would be zero. Only a slight change to the voting membership of the board would change this indicator to a positive figure.